Governors and Trustees

All Governors are elected for a term of 4 years.
Parent Governors are elected by the parent body, Staff Governors are elected by the Teaching and Support Staff body, Community Governors are nominated through the Governing Body.

Mrs Julie Murton Mr Steve Mattingley Mr Simon Lake Mrs Shireen Razey Mr Tom Abbott
Name Governor Type Committee Link Role
Mrs Wendy Ball Community Governor Curriculum and Pupil Progress SEND
Mrs Marcia Bluck Parent Governor Finance, Personnel, Premises and Audit Wellbeing
Mrs Alexandra Castle Community Governor Finance, Personnel, Premises and Audit Sustainability
Mr Allen Joseph Community Governor Curriculum and Pupil Progress  
Mr Steve Mattingley Community Governor Finance, Personnel, Premises and Audit Vice-Chair
Mrs Rebecca Wilde Parent Governor Curriculum and Pupil Progress  
Mrs Sarah Harewood Parent Governor Curriculum and Pupil Progress  
Mr Christopher Stones Parent Governor Finance, Personnel, Premises and Audit  
Mrs Claire Whybrew Parent Governor Finance, Personnel, Premises and Audit  
Mr Kevin Moody Headteacher All  
Mrs Shireen Razey Community Governor Curriculum and Pupil Progress Chair of Governors / Safeguarding
Mrs Alison Temple Community Governor Curriculum and Pupil Progress Training & Development / IAG
Mr Graham Twist Community Governor Finance, Personnel, Premises and Audit Health and Safety
Dr Claire Morrison Staff Governor Finance, Personnel, Premises and Audit  
Mr Matt Mayes Staff Governor Curriculum and Pupil Progress  
Mrs Jan Nichol Clerk