Pupil Premium

Applying for Free School Meals

Application for free school meals is via the Kent County Council website using the link below:

Free School Meals

If you have any questions, or wish to discuss this process, please contact Mr J Martin, Deputy Head Teacher.

Evidence of Impact

GCSE 2023

In 2023, there were 10 PP students in Year 11.

  2020-21 Whole Cohort 2020-21 PP 2021-22 Whole Cohort 2021-22 PP 2021-22 Whole Cohort 2022-23 PP
Attainment 67.01 61.46 68.43 64.64 66.44 58.1
Progress 0.62 0.29 0.71 0.45 0.72 0.37
Outcomes for PP 2021 2022 2023
% Gained English and Maths Grade 4+ 100 90.91 100
% Gained English and Maths Grade 5+ 77 90.91 100
% EBACC 84.62 63.64


A8 Score 61.46 64.64 58.1
P8 +0.29 +0.45 0.37

Of the 10 PP students in Year 11, completing their study in 2023

6 students remained at OPGS to undertake A Levels

3 student went to a local Grammar School

1 student is attending college