Worried About A Child?

If you believe that a child or young person is at IMMEDIATE risk, you should treat this as an emergency. Call 999 to report your concerns to the Police.

Please let the school know also if you are able to. 

Our Safeguarding Leads

DSL Designated Safeguarding Lead: Judith Bevan, Deputy Headteacher

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Sarah Craig, Deputy Headteacher

Oakwood Park Grammar School is committed to safeguarding all the members of the school community. 


OPGS is committed to safeguarding the whole school community and aim to ensure that students, parents and staff know what to do if they have a concern about themselves or others.

During the school day, students know that they can speak to any member of staff and that they will be supported to speak to one of the school’s designated safeguarding leads – Ms Bevan (Deputy Headteacher DSL) or Mrs Craig (Deputy Headteacher DDSL.) Similarly, parents and carers contacting the school office during the school day with a safeguarding concern will also be able to speak to Ms Bevan or Mrs Craig. 

However, we are aware that parents, carers and students may have safeguarding worries or concerns which emerge or take place out of school hours, such as evenings and weekends and felt it important to share the following information with you:

In the case of an emergency dial 999

In the case of a serious out of school hours safeguarding concern which warrants immediate professional advice and support but does not warrant calling 999 please use the following numbers:

· Safeguarding Concern About a Child - 03000 41 11 11

· Safeguarding Concern About a Child  (out of hours – evenings and weekends) - 03000 41 91 91

· Safeguarding Concerns About an Adult – 03000 41 61 61

· Safeguarding Concerns About an Adult – 03000  41 91 91

· Kent and Medway Young People’s Mental Health Service – 111 (Option 2) or 0800 011 34 74

· Online Safety Concerns, including reporting harmful content online - CEOP Education

· Release the Pressure (free 24 hour in the moment help for anyone aged 16 or over) – 0800 107 0160

Through our PHSE, Assembly and Form Time Programme we focus on how young people can best keep themselves safe and where they can get help and support, not only in school, but also from family, friends and other organisations.  Our Wellbeing noticeboard and Wellbeing Prefects are also a valuable source of advice for our students. 

Useful contacts we have shared with pupils are as follows:



· ChatHealth – 07520618850. This is a text service for 11 to 19 year olds in Kent who may wish to discuss any physical or emotional health concerns.

· Kent and Medway Young People’s Mental Health Service – 111 (Option 2) or 0800 011 34 74

· Online Safety Concerns, including reporting harmful content online - CEOP Education

Should you contact the school office out of office hours you will receive an autoreply which will contain the contact details set out above.  They can also be found on our school website by clicking on the Information tab and then the Safeguarding tab.  As there is sometimes a delay in professionals informing the school that contact has been made with external agencies please ensure that when the school re-opens that you contact the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead, Ms Bevan.

Spot the Signs

Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. Abuse can take many different forms, such as neglect, sexual abuse, physical abuse and even emotional abuse.

Take Action

Don't assume that someone else will take responsibility and make that phone call. You could help to save a child'slife. If you are worried, report it. 

Tell Someone!

Please contact Specialist Children's Services or the Police immediately:

Kent Central Team

Telephone: 03000 411111

Emergency Out of Hours

Telephone: 03000 419191

Email: social.services@kent.gov.uk

Kent Police Child Abuse Investigation Unit

Telephone: 01622 690690