Curriculum Intent
In Science, we encourage students to use critical thinking to evaluate data and hypotheses using safe experimental design and implementation. Students are encouraged to relate scientific explanations to phenomena in the world around them and to use modelling and abstract ideas to develop and evaluate explanations. In the Foundation Years, students are challenged to see the connections between subject areas, become aware of the big ideas underpinning scientific knowledge (e.g. the particle model, interdependence) and understand how they link to the wider curriculum. The focus is to develop highly able, passionate scientists who are prepared pursue future careers in the STEM arena. To this end, the expectations of scientific literacy have an increased focus on mathematical skills, tables, graph work and experimental analysis. Focused enrichment activities and trips are organised to help to support students’ learning and engagement beyond the classroom.
Foundation Years: Year 7 and 8
Year 7
- Biology 1: Foundations: Life processes, cells and enzymes
- Chemistry 1: Matter: States of matter, particle theory, separating mixtures
- Physics 1: Forces: Introduction to forces, Hooke’s Law, speed, motion graphs
- Biology 2: Health and Reproduction: The skeletal system, pathogens, sexual reproduction in plants and animals
- Chemistry 2: Matter part 2: Atoms, elements, compounds, acids and bases
- Physics 2: Electricity and Space: Electrical circuits, electromagnets, the solar system, detecting alien life
Year 8
- Biology 3: Bioenergetics: The heart, respiration, photosynthesis, transpiration, the immune response
- Chemistry 3: Reactions: Chemical equations, reactions of metals, the Periodic Table, reactivity series
- Physics 3: Energy: Types of energy, thermal physics, pressure in gases, energy generation, renewable energy
- Biology 4: Variation and the Environment: Genetics, feeding relationships, sampling, pollution, conservation
- Chemistry 4: The Earth and its resources: The rock cycle, water cycle, carbon cycle, fossil fuels
- Physics 4: Waves: sound, light, electromagnetic spectrum, properties and uses of waves
Keystone Year: Year 9
In Year 9, Science is taught as separate subjects by specialist staff. Students complete a Foundation Year in preparation for their GCSE options. Decisions to take either Trilogy (Double) Science or Triple Separate Sciences are made by students later in Year 9.
- Cells including eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell structure, microscopes and their use and development, transport into and out of cells.
- Transport including the heart, blood and circulation, plant transport and transpiration.
- Health and disease including good health, body defences, risk factors, cancer.
- Bioenergetics including photosynthesis and respiration
- History of the atom including atomic structure; different atomic models including the plum pudding model, nuclear model and Bohr model; isotopes; relative atomic mass; ions; ion testing and common gas tests.
- The periodic table including development of the periodic table, metals and non-metals, transition metals, Avogadro’s constant and amount of substance calculations.
- Elements reacting including reactions of alkali metals, halogens, noble gases and transition metals.
- Reactivity series including metallic bonding, alloys, metals reacting with water, acids and oxygen. Introduction to electrolysis.
- Reactions of acids including acids reacting with metals, metal oxides, metal carbonates and metal hydroxides, writing ionic formulae and ionic equations.
- Rate of reaction including factors that affect rate, collision theory.
- Electricity including static electricity, parallel and series circuits, resistance, AC/DC and the National Grid.
- Energy including energy stores, work, energy transfers, power, efficiency, heat transfer and insulation.
- Forces including weight, gravity, Hooke’s Law, speed, velocity, acceleration, motion graphs and moments.
- Space including the Solar System, eclipses, seasons, Moon landings, SETI, stars and the universe.
GCSE: Years 10 and 11
Exam board: AQA
Year 10
Biology 9-1
- Cell Biology
- Organisation
- Infection and response
- Bioenergetics
- Homeostasis and response
- Inheritance and variation
- Evolution
- Ecology
Biology Trilogy
- Cell Biology
- Organisation
- Infection and response
- Bioenergetics
Chemistry 9-1 and Trilogy
- Building blocks of chemistry
- Rate of a chemical reaction
- Structure and bonding
- Organic chemistry
- Chemistry of the atmosphere
- Energy changes and extent of a chemical reaction (equilibrium)
Physics 9-1:
- Particle Model
- Atomic Structure
- Forces
- Waves
Physics Trilogy:
- Energy
- Electricity
- The Particle Model of Matter
- Radioactivity
Year 11
Biology 9-1
Separate Biology only content from the topics listed above for Year 10, including;
- Culturing microorganisms
- Excretion
- Monoclonal antibodies
- Protein synthesis
- Mutations
- Advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction
- Speciation
- Global food security
Biology Trilogy
- Homeostasis and response
- Inheritance and variation
- Evolution
- Ecology
Chemistry 9-1 and Trilogy
- Reactivity series
- Acids
- Electrolysis
- Chemical Analysis
- Using the Earth’s resources
Physics 9-1:
- Electricity
- Electromagnetism
- Space
- Energy
Physics Trilogy:
- Forces
- Waves
- Electromagnetism
A Level: Years 12 and 13
Exam board: OCR
Year 12
- Development of practical skills in Biology
- Foundations in Biology
- Exchange and transport
- Biodiversity, evolution and disease
Practical endorsement CPAC skills are assessed throughout the GCE course, including; research and referencing, drawing judged conclusions, analysis and presentation of data, using a range of methodologies including serial dilutions, colorimetry and aseptic techniques. We also complete compulsory fieldwork, looking at species diversity and beach ecology. Additionally, the department participates in the Biology Olympiad.
- Development of practical skills in chemistry
- Foundations in chemistry
- Periodic table and energy
- Core organic
Practical endorsement skills are undertaken and assessed throughout the course. The practical activities enhance students’ understanding of chemical theory and practical skills.
- Development of practical skills in physics
- Foundations of physics
- Forces and motion
- Electrons, waves and photons
Practical endorsement CPAC skills are assessed throughout the course. Enrichment opportunities include attending Maidstone Oncology Department/Canterbury Christ Church Medical Imaging facility, participation in the Oxford Physics Olympiad and a residential trip to CERN, Geneva.
Year 13
- Development of practical skills in Biology
- Communication, homeostasis and energy
- Genetics, evolution and ecosystems
Practical endorsement CPAC skills are assessed throughout the GCE course, including; research and referencing, drawing judged conclusions, analysis and presentation of data, using a range of methodologies including serial dilutions, colorimetry and aseptic techniques. We also complete compulsory fieldwork, looking at species diversity and beach ecology. Additionally, the department participates in the Biology Olympiad.
- Development of practical skills in chemistry
- Physical chemistry and transition elements
- Organic chemistry and analysis
Practical endorsement skills are undertaken and assessed throughout the course. The practical activities enhance students’ understanding of chemical theory and practical skills.
- Newtonian world and astrophysics
- Particles and medical physics
Practical endorsement CPAC skills are assessed throughout the course. Enrichment opportunities include attending Maidstone Oncology Department/Canterbury Christ Church Medical Imaging facility, participation in the Oxford Physics Olympiad and a residential trip to CERN, Geneva.
Extension and Enrichment
Year 7:
A variety of enrichment activities for Year 7, are provided, including a visiting planetarium for our Space Camp Enrichment day. Science Club runs weekly for all Year 7 students.
Year 8:
We run a variety of enrichment activities for Year 8, including a Science at Hogwarts Enrichment Day.
Enrichment opportunities include: Port Lympne Wildlife Park visit and the Biology Challenge.