Weekly Awareness Topic

Each week during form time students study a national event to broaden their understanding of the wider world. Each presentation and event are prepared and led by the year 12 and 13 subject prefects; these students also lead an assembly to years 7-11 on their topic.

You can read a summary of this week’s topic here prepared by our prefects or check out our Twitter feed to find out some further reading ideas for students on this week’s topic. 


Gypsy Roma and Traveller Awareness Month

Gypsy Roma and Traveller awareness month aims to tackle prejudice and educate others on the history of these groups in the wider world. The awareness month started in 2008 and many charities such as Families, Friends and Travellers have instigated significant change in the community, including, introducing new laws and providing education to vulnerable individuals. As a school it is important that we are all aware of the injustices Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities face, and that we remain aware of the history of these communities. To find more information involving, history, charity accomplishments and educational resources, the following websites are an amazing source of information:






World Book Day Extracts