Sixth Form Transition

Although GCSE students have worked hard to gain a place in our Sixth Form, they are often unprepared for the rigours of A Level courses.  Academic success at GCSE does not automatically translate into success at post 16, therefore we have several strategies in place to ensure that the transition is as smooth as possible.

During Year 11, students have taster sessions taught by subject specialists in the courses they are interested in. We will also run a Taster Programme prior to students’ entry into the Sixth Form which not only prepares students for the academic rigour of post 16 study, but also gives the opportunity for students joining us to meet each other and existing OPGS students.

Following their application each student has an interview with a member of the Sixth Form team to discuss their option choices and after the GCSE results there is an opportunity for an additional interview should the student’s choices change in the light of his/her results.

Students can access Taster Tasks in all A level subjects which need to be completed before students begin to study. The tasks that our current Year 12 completed before joining us are available on this website. Having a look at them may help with subject choice.

There is a welcome to the Sixth Form evening for parents and students.

Once the academic year begins, we continue to support our students in the transition process. Students are given the first four weeks to change a subject should they wish to.

GCSE Results Day

We look forward to hearing from students who wish to join OPGS Sixth Form.

If you are currently a student at OPGS, you will have received a letter about how to collect your results and what to do next. A copy of that letter is in the box below.

If you are not currently studying at OPGS and wish to join our Sixth Form, please contact on GCSE Results Day. Please see more detailed instructions for external students in the letter in the box below.

GCSE Results Day Information for OPGS Offer Holders 2024

GCSE Results Day Information for External Office Holders 2024