Curriculum Intent
In PSHE education we aim to ensure that Oakwood Park students know how to be safe and healthy and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way. We aim to equip them with the tools they need to make informed choices when faced by difficult real-world situations. Through a thorough and enriched PSHE curriculum student academic achievement will also benefit from developing resilience, mindfulness techniques and healthy relationships.
Personal, Social, Healthcare, Economic Education develops the knowledge, skills and attributes all pupils need: from mental health and wellbeing to understanding the importance of staying safe online, healthy and safe relationships, making sense of media messages, challenging extreme views and having the skills and attributes to negotiate a potentially volatile labour market.
Oakwood Park follows the PSHE Association programme of study which covers three core themes – ‘health and wellbeing’, ‘relationships’ and ‘living in the wider world’ from the foundation years up to A level. PSHE has a spiral curriculum, enabling students to build a greater depth of knowledge and understanding throughout their time at OPGS.
Our enrichment programme provides students with the opportunity to engage with speakers from the wider community to improve their own health and wellbeing. Each year group has visits from key organisations such as Kent Police and Fire Service, sexual health advice from the NHS and Metro Charity, as well as Drugs, Alcohol and Mental Health support from the Kenward Trust, Kooth, Hope not Hate, Mind and Beyond Equality, also all provide an invaluable service to the students of OPGS. Through these close links students learn where to go for help and support if they ever need it.
For further information on statutory RSE please visit the DfE parent FAQs website: Relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education: FAQs - GOV.UK (
Foundation Years: Year 7 and 8
Year 7
Transition and Safety
- Transition to secondary school
- Maintaining friendships
- Growth Mindset
- Emergency Situations
- Managing Personal Safety
Developing Skills and Aspirations
- Skills and Employment types
- Career progression (inc. Challenging stereotypes)
- Your career aspirations
- Rights and responsibilities
- Stereotypes and Prejudice
- Bullying
- Internet safety and Risks online
Health and Puberty
- Diet and Exercise
- Healthy choices / managing negative influences
- Alcohol, Tobacco, The Law
- Peer Pressure
- Puberty,
- Being responsible for your body
Building Relationships
- Different Types of Relationships
- Positive relationships
- Conflict resolution
- Real Life Relationships
- Self esteem
- Romantic Relationships
- Family life
Economic wellbeing
- Needs and Wants
- Consumer Rights
- Ethical Decisions
- Spending, saving and budgeting
Year 8
Health and Wellbeing:
- Self-esteem
- Body Image
- Mental Health
- Resilience
- Drugs and Alcohol
Community and Careers:
- Civil Responsibilities
- Democracy
- Government
- MPs
- Laws
- Rights in the UK
- Challenging Rights
- Discrimination
- Discrimination and Intolerance
- Migration
- Group Think
- Standing Up
- Recognising Emotions
- Partners
- Family/ Friend
- Relationships
- Sex in the Media
- Sexual Orientation
- Consent
Sex Education:
- Contraception
- Sexual Health
- Teenage Pregnancy
Digital Literacy:
- E-Safety
- Cyber Bullying
- Grooming
- Consumer Rights
- Advertising
- Financial Decisions
- Bank Accounts
Keystone Year: Year 9
Peer influence, substance use and gangs:
- Peer Pressure
- Gangs
- Knife Crime
- Risks
- Impact of Drugs
- Addiction
Respectful Relationships:
- Family Conflicts
- Conflict Resolution
- Homelessness
Healthy Lifestyles:
- Work-Life Balance
- Eating Habits
- Eating Disorders
Intimate Relationships:
- Equality Act
- Trans stereotyping
- Pressures of Sex
- Unplanned Pregnancy
- Sharing explicit images
Intimate Relationships:
- Equality Act
- Trans stereotyping
- Pressures of Sex
- Unplanned Pregnancy
- Sharing explicit images
Employability skills:
- Skills
- Enterprising
GCSE: Years 10 and 11
Year 10
Healthy Lifestyles:
- Mental Health
Economic Wellbeing:
- Gambling
- Pornography and Sexting
Healthy Lifestyles:
- Role Models
Healthy Lifestyles:
- Extremism
Healthy Relationships:
- Modern Families
Year 11
Healthy Lifestyles:
- Stress
- Abuse
Healthy Lifestyles:
- Cancer
- Fertility and Abortion
A Level: Years 12 and 13
Year 12
Health and Wellbeing:
Mental Health and Sixth Form life
Testicular cancer
Sexual Health and Contraception
Driving Safely
Drugs and Alcohol: making informed choices.
Fertility and Menopause
Living in the Wider World
Weekly news briefings
Weekly debates on current issues
Know your Legal Rights
Careers Evening
Faculty Careers Talks
IAG interviews
UCAS applications
Apprenticeship Fair
Interview Skills
CV writing
LinkedIn tutorials
Voter Registration
Mock election
Visit from Local MPs.
An ethnically diverse OPGS Sixth Form
LGBT pride within OPGS Sixth Form
A mixed gender OPGS Sixth Form
Pornography and Media
Consent and the Law
Reproductive Rights
Year 13
Health and Wellbeing
Living Independently (cooking, finance, healthcare, managing your mental health at university)
Mental Health and exams.
Living in the Wider World
Weekly news briefings
Apprenticeship IAG
Positive relationships and recognising abuse
Strategies for managing dangerous situations or relationships