Year 7 Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if I am late for school?

Make sure that you sign in at reception when you arrive so that we know you are here – this is really important so that we know who is in the building in case there is a fire! 

What if feel unwell?

Tell your class teacher who may send you to the office or call for a first aider.   

Do not phone home – there is nothing anyone there can do to help as they are not in school and it will only worry them!  We will call your parents or other named emergency contact if this is necessary. 

What should I do if I am off sick?

Your parents/carers should call the school on 01622 726683 or email to let us know that you are poorly and will not be in – this will stop us from worrying about you being lost! 

They should update us every day if your illness is for more than one day. 

Catch up on any missed work when you are feeling better – you will still need to complete any homework by the due date unless you speak to your teacher to negotiate an extension. 

What if I forget my homework?

Try to let your teacher know as soon as a suitable point in the lesson arrives.  You will be given a 24 hr extension and will need to find the teacher the next day to hand in the work.  This will be logged on the behaviour system so that your parents can see.  After the 24 hr extension, if  you still have not handed in the work, you will be put in SLG homework detention for the next Friday after school. 

What if I have forgotten my PE kit?

Inform your PE teacher ASAP (the PE office is up the stairs from the changing rooms – opposite the gym) – spare kit can be borrowed from the school.

What if I am injured and cannot do PE? 

Make sure that your parents have sent an e-mail to the night before or morning of your lesson.  You should explain your injury and how long you are likely to be out of PE for.  Unless you physically cannot get changed, you will need to bring your PE kit and will undertake a coaching role during the lesson.

What if I lose something? What if I find something belonging to another student?

Any lost property should be handed in to the school office.  The office staff will do their best to reunite lost items with their owners.  Un-named lost property will be kept in reception, so ask there! Any unclaimed kit will be displayed at the end of each term for students to check through. 

What if I have a dentist/doctors appointment? 

Where possible these should be made outside of school hours.  If this is unavoidable then please get your parents to email the school or write you a note.  You will need to sign out at reception and sign back in when you return to school. 

What should I do if someone is unkind to me? 

Ask them to stop.  If it continues, tell your form tutor or Mr Keeling-Jones who will help you to deal with the situation appropriately.