Lunchtime and Breaktime
Every effort is made to provide the best possible school meal during the mid-day break. In the past, we have found that boys coming into our school have profited from the regularity of a good mid-day meal. A cashless cafeteria system is in operation which provides a good range of food from snack to full two-course meal. A range of hot and cold food is also available at break and breakfast is available from 8.00am to 8.30am. Our canteen food is currently provided by Independent Catering. The cost of a two course meal from September 2024 will cost £3. Students not wishing to have a school meal may bring a packed lunch which they will eat in the Main Hall.
Our breakfast, break and lunchtime services are provided by Independent Catering.
Full allergy information and sample menus are available from their website.
Clubs and Activities
Clubs and societies flourish within our school and parents should encourage students to join at least one of them, since such activities have great value in broadening their interests and increasing their self-confidence. Click here to view our clubs and extra-curricular activities (please note that may change in September 2024).
School Library
We have a Library for all students which is open at break and lunchtimes for borrowing books, and for independent study. Parents are asked to ensure that all books borrowed from the Library are returned.