Careers Programme


The Careers Programme at OPGS has been designed to fulfil the Gatsby Benchmarks which are:

  1. A Stable Careers Programme
  2. Learning from Career and Labour Market Information
  3. Addressing The Needs of Each Pupil
  4. Linking Curriculum Learning to Careers
  5. Encounters with Employers and Employees
  6. Experiences of Workplace
  7. Encounters with Further and Higher Education
  8. Personal Guidance

All students undertake a programme of Careers Education from Year 7-13. Every student is entitled to individual careers meetings with Mrs Williams upon request.

Year 7

Students are introduced to Unifrog as part of their enrichment. They explore a variety of careers using the Unifrog Careers Library and use the Subjects’ library to help them link school subjects to career opportunities. Leaders focus on raising aspirations and developing skills needed in careers through PSHE and form time sessions.  

Years 8 and 9

  • Careers Education lessons are delivered, as part of the PSHCE and enrichment programmes
    • Students will use Cascaid careers software which will enable them to explore career ideas based on interests, skills, and abilities (Careers Resources).
    • Students will be introduced to Unifrog software which will allow them to explore future pathway (Careers Resources).
  • Students will be supported with GCSE Options through personal guidance interviews.
  • Students will have access to external agencies through careers related assemblies.

Year 10

Careers Education will be delivered as part of form time activities and enrichment activities. Students will use careers software to explore career ideas. They will research a variety of pathways for post-GCSE options and explore university, apprenticeship, and employment for post-18 options.

* Work Related Learning (WRL) – students will undertake a WRL programme. External facilitators come into school and deliver workshops enabling students to develop communication, team building, risk-taking and creativity skills. Local businesses will work with students setting them real-life business challenges. Students will develop an understanding of the workplace, including research, economic challenges, and presentations.

In addition, the businesses will provide information about the local Labour Market.

Year 11

All students will have individual careers meetings with Mrs Williams and are fully supported in making appropriate post-16 applications to schools, colleges or into employment/apprenticeships.

Students take part in career related information sessions as part of enrichment day sessions.

Students will receive resources and support to help with CVS, personal statements, and Interview preparation.

* Careers Evening – All Year 11 students and parents are invited to attend a Careers and transition evening. A wide range of sectors and pathways are represented by former OPGS students and local professionals (including apprenticeship advisers) providing students with information, advice, and guidance.

Students will receive information on career pathways through assembly presentations.

IAG Mentoring – students can attend weekly sessions learning more about A level subjects. These sessions are run by sixth form subject prefects.

Year 12 and 13

Students in Years 12 and 13 are supported by an experienced Sixth Form Team and tutor group with mentoring including post—18 pathways. They receive individual careers guidance interviews.

* Careers Evening – All Sixth Form students attend a careers evening, selecting relevant sessions where they can listen to professionals and members of our parent and former student community delivering advice on career routes.

Year 12 students are supported in accessing work experience placements and volunteering activities, including virtual work experience opportunities. Members of the Sixth Form Team provide students with contacts from the parent and former student communities as well as advising on local business opportunities.

* All Year 12 students attend the local UCAS University fair to enable then to make informed choices and to access providers.

Liaising with local members of parliament, students from OPGS initiated and helped organise a local apprenticeship fair attended by multi-national and national companies. * All Year 12 students visit the fair to learn more about apprenticeship opportunities and develop contacts.

Students are notified about academic and vocational opportunities on a regular basis including Sutton Trust workshops, Summer Schools, Career and Subject Conferences Masterclasses, Competitions, Conferences. They are actively encouraged to attend with bursary support if appropriate.

University applications - Students wishing to apply to university are supported through the UCAS progress and encouraged to make appropriate choices. Support continues after A level results’ day.

Employment and Apprenticeships - Students wishing to apply for a sponsored degree, higher apprenticeship or employment are supported throughout the research and application process. They are notified of opportunities by the Sixth Form Team.

Oxbridge Admissions - students wishing to apply to Oxbridge or for Medicine, Dentistry, Law course are supported by an extensive programme delivered by the Director of Sixth Form. This will include visits by Oxbridge admission tutors, visits to various colleges, application, and interview support by former OPGS students attending such universities/study similar courses.

Year groups 8 to 13

Speakers from employment, universities, colleges, volunteering, and gap year organisations are invited into school to deliver information sessions during assemblies or to present at careers evenings. These can also take the form of virtual information sessions

Parents will be updated on career pathways and information, advice, and guidance at evening information sessions, or by voiced over PowerPoints, including specific Oxbridge, and Studying abroad sessions

Students will be given the opportunity to take part in Virtual Work Experience

Students across all year groups are invited to attend university and employment visits on various occasions by subject teachers who will link curriculum learning with different career opportunities.

Careers Education Across our Subjects